101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes

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101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes

It's a fact that food just tastes better outdoors. Now with 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes, even campers who have never cooked anything more complicated than S'mores can make great meals and snacks over the campfire. You no longer need to sacrifice eating well just because you are not in your home kitchen. 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes provides you with 101 delicious, and easy-to-prepare recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that are sure to make you a hit around the campfire. Here are some of the tasty recipes you will find inside the 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes cookbook: Mountain Man Breakfast, 20 Minute Hamburger Skillet Stew, Spaghetti Carbonara, Sizzlin' Beef Kabobs, and many more! Cook with both the food you bring with, as well as the fresh ingredients you forage, hunt, and fish. From eye-opening campsite coffee to fulfilling breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are even some sweet treats and non-perishable snacks you can cook ahead of time. Your next trip just got so much more delicious. If you love to cook and you love the outdoors, then this is the cookbook for you! Get it today and start planning your next trip right away!

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